If you think Food Photography is all about DSLR or SLR, then do read this post by Nusrath on ‘Mobile Food Photography’. If you are a newbie or say someone who like me is lazy at times to pull out DSLR to click pictures, then this post is quite helpful. Nusrath blog ‘The Food Factory‘ is an inspiration to those who like to start a blog and wonder whether they can do justice by clicking pictures with mobile photography. In this post Nusrath has simplified the subject into to 12 easy points, which helps you in taking your mobile food photography to next level. Thank you Nusrath for being my guest and sharing this wonderful points with us.
A warm hello to the readers from the land of sun. Thank you Lubna for considering me for this subject. Mobile photography is the rage these days. A part from being user friendly a mobile gives you the ease to carry effortlessly. I would like to share certain points before considering a mobile for investing your hard earned money !!
I am in no way a professional trained photographer just sharing my knowledge which I have acquired through my journey. Hope this post helps you.
- IOS and android are the most popular platform for mobiles but the later (android) is more user friendly .
- While hunting out for a phone always look for the pixels of camera not mega pixels, Larger Ram and expandable memory .

- Apps like CAMERA FV-5 LITE help your camera with additional features like changing aperture ,shutter speed etc for beautiful photographs.
- Always use the pro /manual mode while clicking pictures not the auto mode.The picture below was shot in auto mode.

- A biggg no to flash please!!!!
- Next comes the editing part .A good looking picture too needs a bit of editing.
- Editing on a mobile is a breeze ,just download the app from play store and edit the photograph according to your preference.
- Do instagram photos make you jaw struck ?That’s the magic of filters and edits .Most popular app for editing is VSCO app.
- You can run through hundreds of free editing apps on play store .Select the one which has good reviews by the users .
- Download the app check if it works for you or delete and go for another one .
- The biggest challenge faced by bloggers is plagiarism.
- If you want to protect your content just add your watermark or a logo with pics art or add watermark app .
At the end a camera is a just a device.Whether it is a DSLR or a mobile camera.It is you and your perception of styling that adds life to the other wise mundane image .
Nusrath says
Thank you lubna .Pleasure was all mine to grace your blog .