While juicing is not a new concept, it has grown in popularity in recent years, to the point where the juice bar industry has exploded. People are always looking for new ways to enhance their health, and juicing has proven to be a popular option. Thanks to the numerous vitamins and health advantages juices offers. You may have wondered what cold press juicing is if you’re new to the juicing scene or if you’ve been doing it for a while. They are doing it either with traditional pressed or commercial cold press juicer. Commercial juicing is a term that refers to the process of extracting juice by centrifugal force. What’s the distinction between the two, Cold Vs Commercial Press Juicer.

Cold Press Juicer
Crushing and grinding fruits and vegetables to obtain juice is the act of juicing in and of itself. When making fresh orange juice or lemonade, most of us have already juiced. Celery, for example, requires the use of a juicer.
Because of the lack of heat utilised in the process, cold press juicing is probably the most widely mentioned kind of juicing. Cold press juicing avoids the use of excessive heat, preserving the minerals and vitamins found in the vegetables. Cold press juicers extract juice using a hydraulic press and take longer than standard juicers.
How does cold press juicer works
Cold-press juicers, also known as slow juicers. They employ a hydraulic press to carefully extract all of the juice from the components while generating minimal heat. A classic centrifugal juicer, on the other hand, uses metal blades that spin at high speeds. This generate a lot of heat while extracting the juice. Most of the vital nutrients and enzymes included in raw fruits and vegetables would be destroyed by this extreme heat. When you use a cold-press juicer, however, this is not the case because there is very little heat produced. The Hestia cold press juicer black steel is a perfect machine for those who want to get the best cold press juice.

The gradual spinning of the auger in a cold-press juicer ensures minimal heat production and maximum retention of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes, allowing you to reap the full advantages of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Benefits of Cold Press Juicers
Faster Nutrient Absorption
During the extraction process, a cold-press juicer eliminates the majority of the dietary fibres found in fruits and vegetables. While this may appear to some as food waste, it helps you to absorb more of the nutrient-dense sections of the ingredients. Furthermore, studies discovered that a juice drink with no fibre makes it much easier and faster to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream. This allows you to begin reaping the benefits right immediately.
Slows Aging
The nutrients in fruits and vegetables benefit your body in a variety of ways. It strengthens your immune system, allowing you to protect yourself from a variety of ailments that others may contract. These nutrients boost your skin as well as your overall health, giving you a more youthful appearance.

Detoxification of the Body
On a daily basis, our bodies are bombarded with toxic substances. Our bodies absorb these pollutants when we consume unhealthy foods or go for a walk or a ride in a polluted area. It is the role of your liver and kidneys to eliminate these poisons and keep your body clean. But with the rise in pollution and the growing popularity of junk foods, these organs are finding it increasingly difficult to do so. Cold-pressed juices, consumed regularly, can be extremely beneficial in this condition.
Commercial Press Juicer
The conventional juicing method is centrifugal. The juice is separated from the pulp of the fruit and vegetables using high spinning blades and a sieve. This approach produces a lot of noise, akin to a blender, as well as a lot of heat, which causes the ingredients to oxidise. The loss of minerals and vitamins caused by the high heat also reduces the benefits of juicing.
Commercial juicers make juices similar to those found in supermarkets, but at a lower cost and in less time. When buying a juicer, it’s crucial to know the difference between cold press juicers and standard centrifugal juicers. Analyse which are the most prevalent and buy.
How does commercial press juicer works
A centrifugal juicer’s mechanism is straightforward. At the top of the extractor, you’ll see a chute, which is an opening through which you can push your fruits and veggies. A pusher is included with many centrifugal juicers to help you push the vegetables down without cutting your fingers.
A rotating disc with sharp nubs underneath it can be found inside the juicer. Your materials are torn by the spinning disc. It spins the components at high speed after chopping them down into tiny pieces. The juice from the crushed fruits and vegetables is extracted by a centrifugal force.
After passing through a tiny screen, the juice is funnelled into a juicing container. When juicing, the pulp forms a ring around the screen.

Benefits of Commercial Pressed Juicer
Centrifugal juicers are inexpensive compared to other types of juicers. This is one of the key reasons for their widespread availability. This makes them ideal for newbies, those who juice for fun, or those who do not wish to invest in a juicer.
Pulp extractors are used by some people
Centrifugal juicers with optional pulp extractors save time when it comes to juicing. As you extract juice, more pulp will accumulate in the strainer, requiring you to pause the juicing process to remove the pulp. If the machine can extract the pulp for you, you’ll be able to juice more frequently and produce more delicious juice.
Eliminate Pesticides in Juice
Centrifugal juicers reduce pesticides in juice to some extent, but not as effectively as gear juicers.
Which juicer should be preferred?
It’s completely up to you whether you prefer cold-pressed or centrifugal juices. Cold-pressed juices have more nutritional advantages, whereas centrifugal juices are a more time-efficient option, according to our research. Centrifugal juicing may be the best option for you if you find it difficult to incorporate juicing into your already hectic schedule. Cold squeezed juices, on the other hand, are our advice if you value the quality of the product over the amount of time saved.
Tim Fields says
There is so much wronh with this article. Heat is an issue in two ways. Old commercial juicing that used heat to extract juice from fruits. And old household juicers that had so much metal they produced heat. These are both rare now.
Centrifugal juicers do not heat juice. They aerate juice. Air is the bag thing, not heat. Low speed juicers or Masticating juicers do not aerate the juice. So the juice last longer. It does not oxidize right away.
Cold Press is merely a marketing term.