Life is crazy after Eid (Ramadan Celebrations)…..with Eid parties coming to end….engagement and wedding parties kept me busy with whole lot of shopping and eating…..In between a very bad viral fever which took long time to get away from me and my little one….finally on a happy note I am back with the much prolonged Joy From Fasting To Feasting – IV Round Up. A big and heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people who joined this global event and made it a huge success…..

The glory of this event is in discovering various cuisines served during Ramadan and getting to know there traditions followed during Ramadan…..A whole lot more new things to be learned and shared through this event……A detailed album is shared at flickr account which you can access by clicking here.
Now coming to the winners of the Giveaway’s mentioned in the event announcement are as follows:-
First one is a pocket size book Clean Your Kitchen Green by Yvonne Maffei of My Halal Kitchen which educates you on non-toxic and organized approach to freshening up and deep cleaning the kitchen in ways that are safe for kids, pets, and the environment…..and the book goes to Bushra Vaseema Buhari of Yummsy (Yummy+Easy) Cooking. Congratulations dear….
The surprise Giveaway winner is Divya of Divya Z Easy Recipes and the surprise cookbook coming on her way is 200 Curries by Sunil Vijaykar. Congratulations dear…..
NOTE: I have sorted entries in flickr album alphabetically and used to generate results.
Photos of winning entries are First one is Nombu Kanji by Bushra of Yummsy (Yummy+Easy) Cooking and second one is Veg Puff’s by Divya of DivyaZEasy Recipes.

Winners of the giveaway do leave me a mail me your residential address @
You can find the details of the previous Ramadan events, Joy From Fasting To Feasting (Season-I) here, Joy From Fasting To Feasting (Season-II) here and Joy From Fasting To Feasting (Season- III) here.
Priya says
Congrats to the winners..
notyet100 says
Congratulations to winners,..:)
Premalatha Aravindhan says
Congrats to the winners…
Divya.M says
hey thanks lubna….great dint expect anything…
Priya Sreeram says
congrats to winners & kudos to lubna for your efforts ! glad to hear that u & kid r fine- cheers !
San says
Interesting giveaway and wishes to divya!
tika hapsari nilmada says
Wow…you managed the event very well, Lubna ! Extra effort, right ?Congrats to the winners
Muskaan at A2Z Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine says
Congrats to all the winners…..
Prathibha says
congrats 2 d winners…I hope u enjoyed eid and also doing the round up
schmetterlingwords says
Hearty cheers to you on the success of the event. The roundup looks very colourful!! Congratulations to the winners too 🙂
Jay says
congrats to winners..:)
Now Serving says
Congrats to the winners dear – sorry I missed this event !
Torviewtoronto says
congrats to the winners