Did you know that chocolate is the most popular cake flavor, with nearly 400,000 online searches every month? Of course, even if you love baking, you may not always have the time to prepare an elaborate dessert to satisfy your cravings. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have your cake and eat it too! Mug cake is perfect for a busy weeknight, and you can make it with just a few ingredients. In this post, we’ll take a look at not just one easy cake recipe, but six! So, keep reading to find out how to prepare easy mug cake recipes using pantry ingredients:

1. Snickerdoodle Mug Cake
This easy cake recipe cooks in just about a minute but still manages to taste just as good as a snickerdoodle. All you need to do is mix up the following ingredients:
- ¼ cup Milk
- 2 tbsp. Butter
- ½ tsp. Vanilla
- ¼ cup tbsp. Flour
- ¼ tsp. Baking powder
- 2 tbsp. Sugar
- ¼ tsp. Cinnamon
Once you’ve combined everything, pour it into a mug and cook it on high for one minute. Then, add a crumble topping using a tablespoon of sugar and a dash of cinnamon.
2. Apple Crisp in a Mug
Now that it’s fall, you likely have fresh apples on hand. With this recipe, you can turn them into a delicious dessert! For the apple filling, you should combine:
- One peeled and thinly sliced apple
- ½ tsp. Butter
- ¼ tbsp. Cinnamon
- 1 tbsp. Brown sugar
- 1 tbsp. Flour
For the crisp, you’ll need to mix:
- 3 tsp. Oats
- 1 tbsp. Brown sugar
- ¼ tsp. Cinnamon
- 2 tbsp. Butter
- 1 tbsp. Flour
Once both mixtures are ready, you should layer them in a mug. Then, cook it for three minutes!

3. Vanilla Mug Cake
Vanilla is a classic cake flavor, so why not enjoy it as a microwave cake? The best part is that you can make the entire cake in the mug, so you won’t have any extra dishes to wash.
- ¼ cup Flour
- 2 tbsp. Sugar
- 2 tbsp. Butter
- 3 tbsp. Milk
- ½ tsp. Vanilla
- ¼ tsp. Baking powder
- Salt
Make sure you mix the cake well and then cook it for about 1.5 minutes! And, if you want the best flavor, use genuine vanilla extract.
4. Strawberry Mug Cake
Are you craving a fruity-flavored cake? If so, this one is a perfect choice, and you only need a couple of strawberries.
- 1½ tbsp. Butter
- ¼ cup Flour
- 3 tbsp. Milk
- 1 tsp. Vanilla
- 2 tbsp. Sugar
- ½ tsp. Baking powder
- Salt
- 2 chopped Strawberries
After mixing all of these ingredients, put them in the microwave for about 2 minutes!
5. Peanut Butter Mug Cake
Perhaps the simplest recipe yet is this 3 ingredient cake! It has an egg, three tablespoons of peanut butter, and two tablespoons of sugar. Blend all of these ingredients in your mug and cook it for 2 minutes!

6. Microwave Brownie
The last recipe we’ll look at today is a microwave brownie, perfect if you need to get your chocolate fix. You’ll need:
- 6 tbsp. Milk
- 2 tbsp. Oil
- ½ tsp. Vanilla
- 4 tbsp. Flour
- 4 tbsp. Cocoa powder
- 3 tbsp. Brown sugar
- Salt
- 1 tbsp. Chocolate chips
After microwaving it for a little less than two minutes, we recommend serving it with vanilla ice cream!
Make the Best Mug Cake in Minutes
With just a few ingredients, a mug, and a microwave, you can make yourself a yummy dessert. So, take a peek in your pantry and see what ingredients you have on hand! Then whip up your mug cake and enjoy it!
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