Looking out for quick and easy Haleem | Daleem Recipe, then this recipe is for you. My Everyday Haleem Recipe is Cheat’s Way of making Haleem anytime.

This is my second guest post in a row in this month. The floods in Chennai has left me with no mood to work on anything. After the devastating things I have seen around me….I am taking much needed time to come back. When Rafeeda of The Big Sweet Tooth has asked me to grace her ‘ Be My Guest’ guest post series on her blog…I was overwhelmed…Rafeeda is no new to name to you, if you are a regular reader of my blog. Rafeeda graced three consecutive seasons of much adored Ramadan series ‘Joy From Fasting To Feasting‘ with her delectable recipes which were apt for the event.
My Guest Post @ The Big Sweet Tooth
When Rafeeda asked me to do a guest post for her blog, where my post will be the finale post of the beautiful series “Be My Guest“. I was in doubt what be the best to present in the finale of the event. After much brainstorming, I asked Rafeeda, if she is looking out for any particular recipe ?? She said, she loves Haleem | Daleem, looking out but the long list of ingredients and multiple cooking steps is what keeping her away from try out this authentic delight . Rafeeda asked me to share any simple recipe which anyone can do make at home easily.
Everyday Haleem | Daleem Recipe
Then I thought of sharing quick and easy Haleem recipe, which I call Everyday Haleem or Cheat’s Way of making Haleem. This is super simple recipe and cuts short the cooking procedure to half. Learn how to make delicious haleem | daleem at home by following my recipe. When me and Lil’M crave for Haleem, I go for this simple and quick version of the recipe. Hop over to Rafeeda’s Blog to read more about this quick, simple and easy Everyday Haleem Recipe.
Rafeeda AR says
JazakAllah Khair for being on my little space… it is so good to have you around with this delicious haleem… May Allah bless you with peace and many many years of successful blogging…
beena stephen says
Wow super delicious Haleem